6e Conférence Internationale Engaged Management Scholarship (EMS)

Sixième conférence internationale Engaged Management Scholarship
8–11 septembre 2016 - Paris, France
If the United States constitutes the cradle of doctoral studies in management, the programs that aim at professional managers have developed rapidly in Europe over the past 10 years, especially in the UK and in France. Scholars in management now look all over the world to define their research questions, to share their findings and to implement in various types of organizations the recommendations that emerge from their work. This sixth edition of the world forum for doctoral studies in management dedicated to professionals will be held in Paris. It will allow US participants to cross the Atlantic Ocean, both literally and figuratively. It will generate stimulating exchanges and hopefully collaborations between researchers from various continents. Indeed , we also aim at looking towards Australia, Africa and Asia, especially China, as these programs develop in these areas as well, based upon different research traditions. The participation of researchers from all continents will enable us to grasp various meanings of research, notably through its geopolitical and cultural dimensions.
EMS 2016 à Paris, France
The Executive Doctorate in Business Administration Council (EDBAC) an organization representing more than 40 member schools in ten countries organizes the conference annually. EDBAC promotes the value of engaged management scholarship and seeks to raise its profile internationally.
The conference is the premier international meeting place for doctoral students, alumni, faculty and managers involved in engaged management research and evidence-based management around the world. The EMS conference is the preeminent venue for sharing the research and knowledge produced in professional business doctorate programs.
Next year’s conference will be held in Paris, France, September 8–11, 2016, and be hosted by the University of Paris-Dauphine, a founding member of the EDBA Council.
Organisée par l'Université Paris-Dauphine
Conference Highlights
The globalization of executive research in management will be the focus of the Sixth International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship. Research dealing with cross-cultural, international and global issues are especially encouraged. The conference will consist of:
- A doctoral consortium
- Research presentations
- Poster sessions
- Panels
- Professional development workshops
- Invited talks
- An alumni consortium
It is open to all scholars who are actively involved in practicing engaged management scholarship or investigating different forms of it. Participation of professional doctorate program students, alumni or faculty from a professional doctorate program is especially encouraged.
Dates à retenir
- Ouverture des inscriptions en ligne : 1er mars 2016
- Appel à soumissions : 15 octobre 2015
- Ouverture des soumissions de présentations : 1er février 2016
- Clôture des soumissions : 15 avril 2016
- Début d'examen des soumissions : 30 mai 2016
- Fin d'examen des soumissions : 30 juin 2016 (acceptation au fil de l'eau)
- Limite de candidature au Consortium Doctoral : 16 mai 2016
- Limite des soumissions d'affiches au Consortium Doctoral : 1er juin 2016
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En savoir plus sur la conférence EMS et l'EDBA Council.