Performance and Innovation in Health Institutions

Under the direction of Béatrice Fermon and Philippe Grandjean a new collective literary work surrounding twenty-six people from different backgrounds is born. The goal of this book is to shed light on the different performance dimensions of the health sector from a theoretical point of view as well as practical one.

"Performance is a concept that has invaded the health sector at all levels. This concept is difficult, however, to understand: performance includes multiple dimensions of which each enlightens but one aspect of the question.

Moreover, it makes – among others – reference to the economic dimension of the care that is not anchored in the sector. A comprehensive approach not only on each of the dimensions, but also on the product of their interactions, is necessary to account for the concept. Focusing on the various points of views of health care stakeholders is also essential to understanding the complexity of implementation and performance management at the macro and microeconomic level."

To know more about the book

To discover the programs in the Health Department at the Université Paris-Dauphine

Published on 22 May 2015