Fraud: A New Market for Insurance Companies?

63% of French enterprises consider that fraud and corruption remain a major preoccupation of their enterprise.
(Source : EY 2014).

More than 55% of reported fraud by French enterprises is the act of external fraudulent players and “Fake President” fraud represents more than 10% of the fraud endured in France.
(Source : PwC 2014).

Financial fraud costs between 5% and 7% of a company’s turnover.
(Source : ACFE 2014).

Many observations have led to the recent emergence of a solution “EH Fraud Cover” that pays 80% of the cost of the loss in the event of fraud committed by an employee or by a third party or by cyber fraud!

But would it not be preferable for enterprises to foresee the risk of fraud, to enact proactive steps in the management of this risk, rather than sign an insurance contract without considering the enactment concrete internal measures?

The University Paris-Dauphine has partnered with the ACFE (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners) in order to propose an 8 day program around the theme of financial fraud: steps toward prevention, detection, investigation, sanction, and communication in the context of all fraudulent schemes.

The commencement of the next program is May 28, 2015. For more information, pour plus d’information.

You can also find us on the Executive Education site: 

Published on 23 April 2015