Dauphine Executive Education, organizations' chosen partner...

Made-to-measure actions
Dauphine Executive Education guides companies in the planning of their customised training measures, whether certification, qualification or degree levels.
These actions fall within a global accompanying approach to develop competences.
Their aim is to integrate our paths and actions in a more general framework of human resources corporate management. They have been created drawing on culture, tools and partner companies together with the full collaboration of those in charge.
Our approach enables us to provide a specific solution to development and change-related issues of each organization. Together, we analyze your needs and we will build your training solution. Each member of our educational team in charge has a wealth of experience in the conception of a customised program.
Partnership options
- Integrating some managers into the existing diploma-based programs
- Creating short-term training courses
- Establish a certifying training course provision
- Establish a customised inter-university diploma
- Establish a partnership within the framework of the Validation of Acquisitions of Experience
Our areas of expertise
- Management stratégique
- Management des hommes et des équipes
- Management commercial
- Ressources humaines
- Leadership
- Conduite du changement
- Sociologie des organisations
- Développement personnel
- Finance d'entreprise
- Comptabilité / contrôle de gestion
- Finance de marché
- Gestion de patrimoine
- Marketing Développement durable
- Logistique, qualité, risques
- Management de l'innovation
- Management des opérations de production
- Management de projet…
Some references
- Communications & culture
- Havas Média
- Réunion des Musées Nationaux
- Retail
- Carrefour
- Printemps
- Finance
- La Banque Postale
- Industry
- Renault
- Safran
- Health
- Aguettant
- Services
- Derichebourg
- Orange
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